It’s a universal law that if you click-through any tech blog on the internet, you’re statistically bound to stumble across one or more even-numbered “tips and tricks” post of some sort.
Like pockets on pants, these nuggets can be as useful as they are ubiquitous. In keeping with this tradition, we’ve cobbled together some of the neat-o tips and tricks with our favourite cloud-based ERP, Acumatica. While this might be a refresher for the more advanced users of the platform, we’re hoping those new to the platform will appreciate these tidbits.
Drag & Drop to Attach Documents
Definitely one of the most useful features of Acumatica is the ability to attach files to your records in the system. Price lists, invoices, spreadsheets – there are a ton of different use-cases for keeping associated ‘attachments’ with documents in the system.
While you’re certainly free to click-through to attach your documents, a time-saving method is to literally just drag and drop them onto the record (in a supported browser) and the file will auto-magically be attached to the record!

Ctrl-Click to Open New Tab
If you’re like me and have a multitude of browser windows open with an unreasonable number of tabs open within each window, then you’ll appreciate this tip!
Within a session, you can open multiple instances of Acumatica by either right-clicking and opening links in a new tab, Ctrl-clicking to open in new tab, or click on a link with your mouse’s scroll-wheel!

Embed Commonly-Used Tools into Dashboards
We might not think about it, but sometimes bringing little tiny applets or iframes into your dashboard can actually help with productivity! For example, you can incorporate a quick currency exchange tool in you’re A/P dashboard to help the payables folks calculate F/X without ever leaving your Acumatica session!

Create Document Templates
If there’s any profession where recurrence is a lived reality, it’d be accounting! Acumatica leverages the “copy and paste” function to allow you to create templates of documents! Go ahead and make that monthly utility bill that you always split out into segments a template and save yourself the hassle of re-creating it every month!
Pro-Tip: After creating the template, you can edit it to specify which fields specifically you want to be included when a user creates a document from that template.

Quick Filter with Shift-F
Ever scrolling in a long list and want to quickly filter to the value you see in front of you? With Acumatica, just click the value and press Shift-F – it will automatically filter that column by the highlighted value!
Pro-Tip: You can apply cascading filters across columns by then jumping to another column and Shift-F filtering that value, too!

Configure Visible Columns
Another efficiency-assisting tip is to configure your line views to show the columns (fields) that are most relevant to you! A quick way to configure your lines is to click on the configuration icon located just above the lines, instantly upping your user personalization game! #UIgoals

Add Pages to Favourites
Another time-saving feature of Acumatica is the ability to save a page to your Favourites – this way you can virtually “bookmark” any page for quick access in the future without having to jump from one module to another!

Keep Track of File Versions
Building on attaching files is the ability to keep track of versions of the same file! If a document is amended and should be associated with the records, you can attach it as a version of the file, giving it a brief description of the changes. What this invariably creates is a pseudo-“track changes” mechanism for you to be able to see how a document has changed!